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Lifeline 198 - Are robots the future for follicles?

Lifeline 198 - Are robots the future for follicles?

Successfully treating hair loss (for both men and women) is a notoriously difficult challenge. With loads of reasons, from formal-pattern baldness, to stress and anxiety, there is no single solution. But advances in technology could change the hair loss lanscape over the next few years. 
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Be more safe on mobiles

If you've got kids, you're probably very used to shouting "get off your phone". Most kids, especially teenagers, seem to be surgically attached to their mobiles. But are smartphones really as bad as we think? And if so, what can parents do about it? 

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Homemade Chicken Chow Mein

We all love a takeaway at the weekend, but the increasing cost of living can make it a bit of a luxury. So why not give homemade Chicken Chow Mein a try? It's pretty quick and easy to make and tastes great. The only thing it's missing is proper prawn crackers (though a big family bag of Quavers may be an option).

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The truth about salt

The experts have been telling us for years that too much salt in our diets is a bad thing, and we all need to cut down. However, there are now a growing number of academics that say salt is an essential nutrient and, actually the target of 6g per day is too low. So what is the truth about salt in our diets? 
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It's the word of the week

On Tuesday, 100s of local residents gathered in our community centre for a presentation by the Environment Agency, EA. People effected by the recent floods wanted to know why the town flooded so badly, and what was being done to prevent it happening again.

With the initial introductions completed, the main EA presenter started to describe how October's Storm Babet had caused a "once in a 100-year" flood. Until someone pointed out that the town flooded again in January. So working on the premise that these were "twice in a 100-years" events he ploughed on. And then, with the most apropos timing ever, the rain started.

The town community centre has one of those corrugated roofs, that when it rains it sounds like a herd of elephants. And it rained! The noise was so loud they had to wheel out the "big" microphones only ever used for the Pantomime and Chocolate Bingo.

You actually had to feel for the presenter. It's much more difficult to convince a room of flood-weary residents that the recent rain levels were unprecedented, when you have to shout "THE RECENT RAIN LEVELS WERE UNPRECEDENTED" because of the thunderous noise of the rain.

{ apropos}
Adjective: very appropriate to a particular situation

Did you know?

Roman soldiers used to be paid in salt

In Roman times, salt was such a valuable commodity, it was known as 'white gold'. Being so valuable, Roman soldiers were often paid in salt, and the word 'salary' comes from the Latin word 'sal', for salt. If you were rubbish at your job being a Roman soldier, you got your salary cut, hence the saying 'not worth his salt'.

Whatever you do, don't let your boss see this, or you might get a big tub of Saxa, instead of your wages at the end of the month. Or if you're really rubbish, one of those little sachets from McDonalds.

Top tips and life hacks.

Do you struggle getting into those bomb-proof blister packs that they seem to package everything in these days? Apparently, the solution is to use a tin opener. Just brought a new tin opener in a blister pack? Good luck.

Tin opener

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