RLS-ZoomLock 1 3/8" Jaw for 19kn RLS-ZoomLock Tool
RLS-ZoomLock is a Braze-Free Concentric crimping system for Refrigeration Copper joints. A patented system that uses concentric crimping technology to apply a perfectly even pressure all round the joint, the o-ring and the copper tube. Jaws available for all sizes from 1/4" up to 1 3/8" diameter.
On average you'll save 50% of your time per joint when compared to brazing. The following advantages are also gained from using this system:
• No Hot Works Permits
• No Nitrogen purging
• Reduced risk
• Reduced insurance
• Improving productivity
• No more leaks or brazing related quality issues
• 48 bar / 700psi pressure rated
This jaw should be purchased with the RLS-ZoomLock Tool and has a location in the specially designed RLS-Zoomlock Tool case to keep all the components together in 1 case.